Tuesday, 31 March 2015


What is Easter?
People have different beliefs about Easter. Some people think it is about bunnies, easter eggs, food, when Jesus Christ was resurrected and some people don’t celebrate it.

Easter eggs
Easter eggs are are eggs that are people use  to represent Easter Ancient Egyptians and Persians  use to think and they still think that the universe  was made from an egg
thats why easter eggs are important did you know that the first
ever easter egg came from germany cause .

Easter Sunday
Christians believe that when  jesus died it was on a friday the friday before easter is called good friday easter is celebrated on a sunday because thats the day that god gave Jesus life in heaven.

Monday, 30 March 2015

look out for pukeko

Pukeko have really hard beaks their beaks are harder than our teeth because there beaks
can brake root if we tried to break root our teeth will crack. Pukekos are also pretty
good runners for a bird if they were a human they will be really slow to find pukeko

you will need  to look at the edge of a creek or a lake Here Is a pictuer of apukeko

Thursday, 26 March 2015


About a week ago all the year 5 and  6 went to camp. We stayed at the school field
in our tents. It was fun! We did things like kayaking, cooking and killzone. I was in The Commitments group with Mr S.

My favorite thing at camp was sleeping because we were talking and eating. The things I did not like about sleeping was that we were not aloud to talk. We get told off a lot for talking and Leatham kept on farting and his farts stunk like a skunk.
Now  i will tell you about kayaking kayaking was fun but on the double boat it
was boring for the first time because i kayaked with somebody that wasn't
any good at kayaking and she was too scared to go far. Then went on
the single kayak  it was somehow much  easier then going on
the doubel kayak

About a week ago all the year 5 and  6 went to camp. We stayed at the school field
in our tents. It was fun! We did things like kayaking, cooking and killzone. I was in The Commitments group with Mr S.


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Tuna in a box

We have created a box for a tuna so that we can keep it fresh in the water until we want to eat it. 
In the box the tuna has a hole for oxygen and also has fresh fish to eat. This is so the tuna can survive. The box has to be big for space to swim in it. It has to have water so it does not smell or it does not get rotten. When you want to eat the eel you remove it from the box, wash the blood out, cut it up, put it in the pot and wait for the tuna to cook. Then eat it. YUM!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Kaitiaki of the Stream

Our group has been reading about a Kaitiaki of a stream. It's about a man who takes good care of his creek. Here are some things about my creek.

Oamaru Creek is important because its next to point england and it used to be clean. Before the river got polluted people used to get food and water from it. Since the years past by the river has been getting more polluted and more smelly. People stopped careing about it the watercolor started to turn green and oily.