Monday, 18 July 2016

Winter Learning Journey W2:D11 Day 6 Blog Activity 2 part 1

Attention!! this story is 100% (FAKE) and make believe I have never been to the Olympics ever now that we got that out the way . Hello in this story I am going to be writing about the Olympics this is my  9th time writing about the Olympics and so this means it's  my 9th anniversary only joking but that doesn't mean this story is not special , it is very special and it is nothing like any of the things  you have seen on my blog.  1936 in Germany  I was sitting and watching the opening ceremony and then i saw Shaun Johnson walk past I shouted Shaun Johnson! and he heard me over the loud crowd and then he walked towards the crowd  looked and said what to be continued that's it for  today but i will have a new blog post tomorrow it would be part 2 of my amazing story bye for now .


  1. Great story, David! Thanks for letting us know that it is fictional (fake). That is a great idea! Otherwise, people might read it and think that it really happened and get confused, especially when Shaun Johnson wasn't even alive in 1936!

    I will look forward to checking in tomorrow to see what happens in Part 2!

    1. thanks for the feed back i am realy happy that you injoy these blogpost part 2 is out so do check it out

  2. Hi David,

    Thanks! I see that you've posted Part 2 and I will go and read it now along with the 2016 New Zealand Olympic team uniform review. Keep up the great work!

    Cheers, Rachel


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